Useful Sudoku Tips and Articles

Many beginner Sudoku players solve Sudoku puzzles by looking at one number at a time, one square at a time or one row or column at a time – but if you want to get better at solving Sudoku puzzles, you need to develop a broader view and learn how to eliminate numbers from multiple rows, columns or squares at the same time. This article will show you how.
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Many Sudoku beginners treat Sudoku like a one-step-at-a-time linear game – first you find the right number for this missing space, then the next, then the next, and so on until you’re done. But a more advanced understanding of Sudoku shows that some of the most successful Sudoku players know how to solve Sudoku puzzles by thinking ahead.
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If you’re just getting started with Sudoku, it can be difficult to get a no-nonsense description of exactly how to play the game. That’s why we decided to create this video to walk through.
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At, our goal is to give you the best possible Sudoku experience. Not only do we want to give you a great gaming experience, but, we also want to help you to be the best Sudoku player that you can be. That’s why we’ve started to create a series of Sudoku video tutorials. Our first video tutorial walks through the basics of how to play Sudoku for beginners.
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Sudoku is a fun, compelling, stimulating and captivating game – but sometimes even the most enthusiastic Sudoku solvers find themselves feeling “stuck.” If you’re having trouble finding solutions to your latest Sudoku challenge, or if your eyes are starting to glaze over from too many hours of filling spaces on the Sudoku grid, perhaps it’s time to look for a source of fresh inspiration.
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Sudoku has quickly become one of the most popular puzzle games in the world, but in the “old days” before the spread of smartphones and mobile devices, most people had to play Sudoku on paper. A few years ago, if you wanted to play Sudoku, you had to buy a newspaper with daily Sudoku puzzles or pay for a book of Sudoku puzzles.
Today, it’s possible to play free Sudoku games online. The idea of paying for Sudoku seems rather strange when there are so many great free Sudoku games online. Here are a few reasons why free Sudoku games are such a wonderful choice to keep your brain stimulated:
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